The County Government of Bomet

The Greatest Good for The Greatest Number

Administration and Security

Administration and Security

Insecurity is the greatest challenge of our times especially along Bomet- Narok and Borabu boundaries. These have negative effects on trading with our neighbours. In order for Bomet to realise meaningful economic development peace must be quartered. Cattle rustling will be a thing of the past as we will establish permanent police post and mobile police units along the borders where the menace is most prevalent. Other community and partner efforts to eradicate this will be embraced.

In order to enhance order and security among the county residents, we will ensure that:

  1. Every ward has an administrator to ensure that peace and order is maintained. Such administrators will respect citizens and the spirit of service delivery.
  2. Every sub location has at least three village elders with fair remuneration who will listen to complains from the residents and adjudicate fairly.
  3. We promote harmonious coexistence between the county residents and the neighbours.
  4. We promote the use of peace ambassadors at every sub-location and set up peace centres at the sub-county levels

These measures will enhance security for all the county residents in both rural and urban settings. We should ensure that all plans and policies developed by the central and county governments, affecting security, are in tandem with the values and aspirations of the county residents and the neighbours.

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