The County Government of Bomet
The Greatest Good for The Greatest Number
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you all to Bomet County Government. I want to extend a message of appreciation to the great people of Bomet County for showing confidence and electing me as the Governor. I undertake to serve with humility and dignity. My government shall formulate sound economic policies, maximize revenue mobilization and ensure efficient allocation and prudent utilization of our resources to foster sustainable economic growth and development in the entire county. My government shall embrace program based planning and budgeting approach in line with our County Development Integrated Plan (CIDP) so that we can holistically address the bottlenecks to service delivery. We shall prioritize policies that will transform Bomet County to a model county in Kenya. My administration shall focus on strengthening our revenue mobilization strategies, broadening productive infrastructure, creating jobs for our youth and wealth creation in the society. I implore our stakeholders and partners to support the county government programmes so that we can create an integrated and self-sustaining economy.
The County Government of Bomet has the following departments
The following are some of the projects by The County Government of Bomet
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