Bomet Municipality is established by and derives its authority and accountability from Urban Areas and Cities Act No. 13 of 2011 and Cities and Municipal Charter of 26th May 2018. The Municipality is under the County Government of Bomet and is domiciled in Kenya.
Core Objective
- To improve cleanliness of the Municipality and promote liveable urban spaces by efficiently collecting and managing solid waste through sustainable waste management practices both at the community and Municipality wide level
- To improve sanitation in the Municipality through provision of adequate and proper storm water drainage facilities, adequate water supply to households and effective liquid waste disposal in all the urban areas within the Municipality
- To increase accessibility to affordable and quality health care by constructing and upgrading dispensaries to health centres, constructing and upgrading health centres to a level 4 (Sub-County) hospital
- To improve liveability in residential areas through provision of adequate and accessible basic services and amenities
- To promote local economic development by providing adequate and appropriate spaces and facilities for industrial development, wholesale and retail traders, jua kali artisans, transport operators, tourism activities, talent development and inclusion of marginalized communities in economic activities
- To promote investments in the Municipality by providing appropriate and adequate clean water, sewer and road infrastructural facilities
- To enhance the capacity of the Municipality in delivering its mandate to the people of Bomet through establishing necessary structures and increasing its financial resources
- To increase revenue for the Municipality through optimal utilization of existing sources, enhanced revenue collection measures and promotion of local investments
- Constructing and upgrading learning facilities within our jurisdiction.
- Embracing climate change, green energies and providing street lighting within Municipality
To deliver quality and sustainable services in fiscally responsible manner that promotes social, economic and environmental prosperity