The County Government of Bomet

The Greatest Good for The Greatest Number

Bomet Deputy Governor Visits St. Mary’s School After Fire Disaster

Bomet County Deputy Governor H.E. Dr.Hillary Barchok on 3rd May 2018 Visited St. Mary’s Mixed Day and Boarding Primary school in Bomet following a fire incident that razed down a dormitory in the institution.

The Deputy Governor while conveying Governor Joyce Laboso’s message of comfort thanked the community, the Red Cross, County disaster management team and the public for their timely response and asked the public not to speculate about the cause of the fire but wait for investigations to be concluded.

Dr. Barchok called upon school administrations to follow guidelines laid down by the Ministry of Education and factor in accessibility as a mitigation measure against similar disasters.

The school’s Board of Management and the County Disaster Department will meet tomorrow to assess the extent of the damage.

The County Government of Bomet has pledged to assist the institution in meeting part of the costs of reconstruction once the assessment of the loss is finalized.

The County Secretary Mrs Evalyne Rono, the school’s BOM Chairman Mr. Kipkirui Rono, Parents and other school administrators were present.

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