The County Government of Bomet

The Greatest Good for The Greatest Number

Bomet distributes 60,000 reusable facemasks

Governor Dr Hillary Barchok said this Friday when he presented 10,000 reusable face masks, an assortment of sanitizers and Covid-19 educational materials to all the bodaboda representatives from the five sub-counties in the county at the county headquarters.

Dr Barchok acknowledged the contribution of the small and medium enterprise sector, bodaboda included, to the growth of the economy in the County.

“Bodaboda operators come into contact with persons from all walks of life thus exposing themselves and the passengers to the disease hence the need to wear face masks in our bid to stop the spread of coronavirus disease in our midst.” Barchok said.

The facemasks are produced at Siwot Vocational Training Centre production unit. Bomet County targets to produce a million reusable facemasks to be distributed to the over nine hundred thousand residents.

Deputy Governor Shadrack Rotich urged all residents to adhere to the laid down guidelines and adopt a behavioral change and attitude towards the corona virus pandemic.

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