The County Government of Bomet

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Directorate Of Social Protection

The Directorate is charged with the responsibility of empowering vulnerable groups and implementing policies of social protection. So far, the Directorate has:
i) Organised sensitisation training for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in the month of February at Sotik. The participants were taken through aspects of Disability mainstreaming and government opportunities for PWDs.
ii) Donated food items and non-food items to Special Needs Institutions during Easter where 11 SNIs namely, Korara Integrated School for the Blind, Kapkesosio, St Kizito, Bomet Hostel, Ndanai, Saseta Small Home, St Augustine, Kiriba, Kipng’osos and Tegat benefitted
iii) Participated in the handing over of calves to members of Kapkimolwo Disabled Group
iv) Carried out several visits to vulnerable persons in their homes to assess their conditions of living and possible support systems.
v) Has issued white canes to the blind persons in the 5 sub counties.
vi) Sensitised over 700 women during the international women day in Sotik and 200 leaders in the Full Gospel Churches of Kenya on the Services offered by Kenya Society for the Blind (KSB)
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Currently the Directorate is undertaking a verification exercise to update the details of PWDs on the existing data for purposes of providing tools of trade for entrepreneurial activities and assistive devices to enable movement and proper functioning of PWDs. Procurement of these tools and devices are in process. Plans are also underway to train staff and managers of SNIs and CCIs and Directorate staff on management of persons living with disabilities and the Children rights.

Other plans in partnership with KSB include:

  1. Establishing of an Adaptive Computer Technology unit and Information Centre for persons with Disabilities
  2. Establishment of Habilitation and Rehabilitation Centre for all Children with Disabilities
  • Establishment of a resource centre
  1. Supply Education and Learning Equipment’s, Kitchen, Dining and Boarding for Learners with visual impairment in Korara Primary school for the Visually Impaired

The Directorate is also reviewing the partnership with SALUS OCULI Organisation in the development of a Vocational Training Centre at Kapkesosio School for the physically handicapped.

In addition the Directorate is currently collating data on the vulnerable households to be enrolled in the 10,000 household NHIF cover that the Department of health will be rolling out in the next financial year. This is towards institutionalising the Social Protection Fund thus implementing the County Safety Net Programme.

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