The County Government of Bomet

The Greatest Good for The Greatest Number

Dr. Joyce Laboso Launches Banana Planting Drive

Bomet Governor Hon. Dr. Joyce Laboso today launched tissue culture banana planting in Kaplomboi Rotu farm in Ndanai Ward, Sotik Sub-county.

The Governor urged the various men, women and youth self-help groups in the county to diversify farming activities by venturing into tissue culture bananas as well as grafted avocados and mangoes as a way of creating employment and alleviating hunger. She said that the County Government has a ready market for the produce.

The Governor also directed the CEC for Agriculture Mr. Julius Tuei to immediately make available 60 motorcycles for extension workers as they move from ward to ward imparting agricultural knowledge to the people.

The Governor was accompanied by County Secretary Mrs Evalyne Rono, CECs Mrs Daisy Rono (Lands), Tuei (Agriculture), Justus Maina (Administration), Dr Joseph Sitonik (Health), Bernard Ngeno (Youth), Majority leader Mr Josphat Kirui among other leaders.

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