The County Government of Bomet

The Greatest Good for The Greatest Number

Dr Laboso Closes National Volleyball Champions

Dr Laboso Closes National Volleyball Champions

Bomet Governor Dr Joyce Laboso today officiated at the closing ceremony of the national volleyball league.

General Service Unit men and Kenya Prisons women teams became this year’s Kenya Volleyball Federation tournament champions.

The tournament was held at Chepng’aina Primary School, Bomet County.

Kenya Prisons men and Kenya Pipeline women came second.

Speaking during the close of the tournament, Dr Laboso said the County Government will organize an annual volleyball tournment in the county as a way of identifying and nurturing talent and exposing already set teams to national events.

She added that two teams, men and women, will be sponsored by the County Government o participate in the national league beginning next month.

Women Representative Joyce Korir, Konoin MP Brighton Yegon, Silibwet Township MCA Haron Kirui and Kenya Volleyball Federation national officials attended the event.

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