The County Government of Bomet

The Greatest Good for The Greatest Number

Governor Barchok Engages Bomet Business Community

Bomet County Governor Prof. Hillary Barchok hosted the Bomet business community today as they paid a courtesy call to his office.

During the discussion, Governor Barchok assured them that his administration is committed to providing a conducive environment for their businesses to thrive.

In an effort to breathe new life into the downtown market, an agreement was reached to reroute the main matatu terminus in town as initially designed. They further agreed to review and harmonize the rates payable by every business in town, while the county government redesigns the market stalls to meet the requirements of the users.

Additionally, during the meeting, they considered a proposal to create a unified space for all motor vehicle mechanics in town, aiming to enhance efficiency. The governor also announced plans to collaborate with relevant institutions to repossess all public land around Bomet town and other areas to create spaces for the expansion of businesses and the establishment of recreational facilities.

Governor Barchok expressed appreciation for the hardworking business community in the town, acknowledging their daily efforts to provide for their families and contribute to the overall economy of Bomet County.

Present during the meeting were MCAs Dennis Busienei (Chemagel), Peter Kipjirjir (Kipsonoi), and Stephen Changmorik (Longisa).

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