The County Government of Bomet

The Greatest Good for The Greatest Number

Chemaner Injerian Water Project Commissioned

Governor Dr. Barchok Commissions Injerian Water Project during a Development tour of Chemaner Ward.

Bomet Governor Dr. Hillary Barchok on 11th October 2019 commissioned Chemaner Injerian Water project during a development tour of Chemaner Ward, Bomet East Sub-county.

Speaking during the visit, Dr. Barchok said that the county government is committed to ensuring that there is adequate and reliable supply of water to all residents, schools, market centers and health facilities in the county.

Dr. Barchok also commissioned Chemaner and Tabaita ECDEs where he urged the residents to optimize the early years of their children by enrolling them in early childhood development centres which is important for their emotional, social and physical development and also the best investment in ensuring their future success.

During the development tour, the Governor also commissioned Chemaner VTC and inspected the maternity wing at Chemaner Health centre.

The Governor concluded his development tour by presiding over a funds drive to offset the losses incurred by Chemaner traders whose business premises were destroyed by fire incident months ago.

“Bomet County and the Kenya Red Cross will set up a disaster response centre for the entire South Rift to help in managing disasters in the region.” Dr. Barchok added.

He revealed that a committee tasked with mitigating disasters has been formed and will hand over the report soon.

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