The County Government of Bomet

The Greatest Good for The Greatest Number

Governor Isaac Ruto launches water project and market in Chebunyo

Use of unsafe water in Chebunyo market and its environs will soon be a thing of the past after Bomet County governor Isaac Ruto commissioned the extension of water lines to the market last week Friday. The project, funded by Water Services Trust Fund in conjunction with the County Government of Bomet will benefit 17,000 residents in the area who hitherto have been using water from a water pan.

Speaking when he laid the foundation stone of a water kiosk in the market, the governor said his government is committed to seeing that residents in all parts of the county are served with safe and treated piped water to curb waterborne diseases and save time for residents to concentrate on economic activities.

The project, according to the Managing Director of Bomet Water Company Mr John Cheruiyot, will be completed in three months at a cost of 17 million shillings. Coupled with another project co-funded by the Kenya Red Cross and the county to a tune of 175 million shillings, the county’s dream to have safe water for all its residents is fast becoming a reality. The project will serve 80,000 residents spread across Chebunyo, Sigor and Kipreres wards.

Governor Isaac Ruto at the same time cut the tape to a new fresh produce market in Chebunyo. The market was built under the Economic Stimulus Programme (ESP) of the Grand Coalition Government and was handed over to the county government. Subsequently, the county government connected electricity and the stalls are ready for use by 300 traders. Other fresh produce markets that have been commissioned are in Mogogosiek and Sotik while another one in Bomet town is soon to be completed.

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