The County Government of Bomet

The Greatest Good for The Greatest Number

Launch Of ECDE Schools Milk Program

The education of our young learners in our ECDs across Bomet county is of a great concern to us as a County administration, and as such, we are determined to go out of our way to ensure that these children get whatever they need as they lay a good foundation to become great people in future.
Despite the fact that we have built over 500 modern ECDs in Bomet, we still feel that we can do a lot more to ensure that the young and delicate learners get quality education.
Launched the historic ECD-Milk-program for all our 53,000 young learners in partnership with our local KCC at Sotik, this afternoon. In the same breath I, the Governor of Bomet county  would like to clarify, first and foremost, that our very own milk from Chebunyo Dairy plant is still undergoing quality certification procedures with KEBS and we shall roll it out as soon as we get clearance from KEBS.
Many thanks to Bomet County Assembly for supporting this cause in terms of budgeting and for joining us during the launch, alongside our senator Christopher Lang’at. I also appreciate Kimase community for the warm welcome and for hosting us during the launch.

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