The County Government of Bomet

The Greatest Good for The Greatest Number

Swearing In Ceremony For Prof. Hillary Barchok, Bomet Governor

To whom much is given, much is expected. As I took the solemn oath to office alongside my deputy this afternoon, I accepted the responsibility bestowed on me by the residents of Bomet. As we promised during the campaigns, we now embark on the journey to serve our people with great committment and dedication. The chance we have is for us to work for you, the people of Bomet. We will not disappoint you. I shall closely work with all the leaders for the best interest of our people. The challenges that our people face is now our responsibility. To the Bomet County staff, let’s now get back to work and commit ourselves to excellence. There will be no room for complacency and poor services to the people of Bomet. Thanks to all the leaders, clergy, national government administration officers, county staff, elders and the people of Bomet for your attendance. Special mention to the Honorary consul of the Republic of Kenya in Greece H.E Vicky Pantazopoulou. Thanks for finding to be with us. Thanks all and be blessed. Sasa ni wakati wa kazi. ASANTE SANA.
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