The County Government of Bomet

The Greatest Good for The Greatest Number

Tirgaga Tea Factory

Tirgaga Factory originated from Kapkoros and was built in 2003.It started operations on17th August 2006 on trial basis but gradually became fully operational in month of September 2006. It was commissioned for operations on 12th May 2007. Tirgaga Tea Factory serves 15019 active growers. Tirgaga Tea Factory Co. Ltd is one of the KTDA managed factories. It is situated in Kabusare Sub-location, Ndarawetta Location, Bomet central division in Bomet County.Tirgaga Tea Factory falls within KTDA administrative Region .Tirgaga tea factory site lies 35° E and 0.75° S. the altitude is 2,200m A.S.L surrounded by Mau forest to the East and Maasai Mara to the South.

It situated South East of Nairobi and is about 255Km.Tirgaga Tea Factory catchments experiences equatorial kind of climate which is generally warm. The place receives a maximum amount of rainfall ranging from 1500 mm to 1750mm p.a. The area has red volcanic soils that are deep and well drained of PH range 4-6.It occupies an area of 12.

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