The County Government of Bomet

The Greatest Good for The Greatest Number

Youth Start-Ups to be transformed into Profitable Enterprises by 2020

Youth Start-Ups to be transformed into Profitable Enterprises by 2020

More than 50 youth start-ups in Bomet are set to be transformed into profitable business enterprises by June 2020 through the Jiinue Business Accelerator Boot Camp innovation programme.

In a speech read on his behalf by Roads CEC, Joseph Terer, Bomet Governor Dr. Hillary Barchok expressed hope that the three-day intensive programme will empower the youth and transform youth start-ups.

“Through youth mentorship and digital marketing training programmes, the youth will gain access to capital and Techstar Resources and link them to investors.’’

The most promising group will be mentored for four months. The county government will also seek to establish an incubation hub to groom and support young entrepreneurs in the County.

The Governor added that his government was continuously rolling out several projects and programmes that are beneficial to the wananchi in agriculture, health, infrastructure, water, education as well as youth, women and PWDs empowerment projects.

Dr. Barchok challenged the ICT and Youth departments to lead the way and bring innovative solutions in palatable portions in keeping up with global innovation trends.

He acknowledged I Choose Life Africa for their significant contribution towards the socio-economic development and empowerment of communities in Kenya.

Also in attendance were ICL- Africa CEO Eng. Mike Mutungi, CEC for Trade Juliah Chepkuto, Nominated MCA for Youth, Marcella, Chief Officers: Benard Mutai (ICT), Nicholus Kerich (Cooperatives), Job Towett (Youth and Sports), Assistant County Commissioner and County Director for Social Services among others.

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