The County Government of Bomet

The Greatest Good for The Greatest Number

5,000 Trees Planted as Bomet Marks National Tree Planting Campaign

The National Tree Planting exercise – Bomet Chapter has been rolled out at Kipreresss Primary school amid calls for more climate action initiatives to mitigate the effects of global climate change.

The exercise that saw 5,000 trees planted, brought together various environmental stakeholders among them officials from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, County Government of Bomet, Kenya Forest Service (KFS), Ecosystem Conservators (ECs) among other officials.

Governor professor Hillary Barchok through a speech read on his behalf by Water and Environment CECM, Peter Tonui, reiterated the county government’s commitment to conserve and manage the environment.

“We have adopted a multi-sectoral approach towards the management and conservation of fragile ecosystems that include Chepalungu Forest Complex that is also part of the Mau Ecosystem in the last two years.” Professor Barchok said.

The Governor, however, noted that the restoration and protection of forests should also include children and the community at large in the conservation efforts.

The nationwide campaign whose theme “forest restoration; a path to recovery and wellbeing” seeks to increase tree cover to 10%.

The County Government has formulated policies and regulations that seek to address climate change, environmental management, and coordination as well as conservation and rehabilitation of major forest blocks and other degraded ecosystems in the county.

Through a partnership with stakeholders, the County has planted over 2 million trees in various parts of the county in the last three years.

Recently the County Assembly of Bomet passed Climate Change Policy and Bill 2021.

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