The County Government of Bomet

The Greatest Good for The Greatest Number

Automation:Bomet goes Digital with Revenue Collection

Bomet county is banking on the newly launched cashless platform to boost its revenue collection as part of efforts to improve service delivery to the residents of Bomet. Speaking during the launch, Governor Dr Hillary Barchok, projected that the epayment platform will boost performance and efficiency in revenue collection as customers can now pay for their bills, licenses and levies at their own convenience. “With the new payment channel, payments can now be done to the County Government using mobile phones. This will ease traffic at the county offices, improve efficiency and allow county residents to transact with ease and convenience.” Dr Barchok said. He added that payment of County Parking Fee, Market Fee, Pay Invoice and Cess has now been simplified and be made directly to the county government of Bomet by dialling *566# and following prompts. Head of Customer Experience at Jambopay, Ms Ven Rasugu noted that the e-payment system developed by Jambopay will make the payment processes simple and secure for both the County and the end consumers. This will also improve efficiency, transparency and convenience of services by the county to its people” She said.

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