The County Government of Bomet

The Greatest Good for The Greatest Number

County Government Of Bomet Launched Performance Contracting

County Government of Bomet has today 4th September 2023 launched the signing of performance contracts a significant endeavor aimed at upholding a standard of excellence in the delivery of public services in a colourful ceremony presided over by the Governor His Excellency Prof Hillary Barchok, EGH at his office.

Performance contracting is a very important management tool, yardstick and bedrock building path to success. It enhances service delivery and help realize superior performance, people driven, result-oriented, and accountable government for effective, efficient public service committed to service delivery, transparency and financial efficacy in serving the people of Kenya.

The event encompassed the signing of Performance Contracts between the Governor and all County Executive Committee Members CECMs in charge of the ten departments which the signing will be cascaded down to the Heads of Departments (Chief Officers) and all the staffs in lower cadres. This spells out the targets set to be met by every department and individuals for the 2023/2024 Financial Year

This is in line with the individual and departmental Work Plans that translate to the broader goal envisaged in the Strategic Plan 2022-2027, enriching Vision 2030, Sustainable Development Goals SDGs and County Integrated Development Plans CIDPs. It presents a significant stride forward in the journey to fulfill the visionary agenda set by the Governor, the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BeTA) and the people common aspirations.

To fulfill his legacy, effective and efficient service delivery remains the single focus in the Barchok’s administration. With streamlining of the public sector’s efficiency hope for more citizen-friendly and enhanced service delivery. Barchok dedication to enhancing public service through performance contracting is truly inspiring and honor for the great people of Bomet aims to build resilient, stronger community and ensuring services are received

The Governor implored his CECMs to be solutions to robust service delivery in the county. The county boss stipulated the importance of creating synergy in a bid to deliver at achieving agility for sustainable success and entrenching a performance driven culture. He dedicated to instilling the Performance Framework at County level with matching zeal and focus to overall excel at providing quality services to its citizens and explore the vision and values.

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