The County Government of Bomet

The Greatest Good for The Greatest Number

Senate Health  Committee Visit Longisa County Referral Hospital

The Senate committee on health chaired by Uasin Gishu  senator Jackson Mandago, paid a courtesy visit to Longisa County Referral Hospital to assess the provision of medical services in the facility.

The committee was taken through the various units of the facility by the CECM for health Dr. Joseph Sitonik, the medical superintendent Dr. Andrew Cheruiyot  and the hospital administrator, Felix Lang’at.

Addressing the press after the tour, Chairman Jackson Mandago  lauded the renal unit of the facility for it’s outstanding services and the modern equipment installed to help patients with kidney problems.

The committee was also full of praise for the Oncology unit, the HDU, the general wards as well as the Ct-scan. Besides, the general cleanliness around the hospital was said to be excellent.

Additionally, the committee observed that the facility’s pharmacy had sufficient drugs and non-pharmaceuticals and that the records were well kept.

Overally, the committee gave the facility an 80% approval rating, pledging to support the county administration in addressing the few challenges they noted, one of which is finding space for their proposed expansion of the facility.

Other members of the committee who toured the facility included Senators Joe Nyutu (Murang’a), Hamida Kibwana (Nominated), Okong’o Omogeni (Nyamira). Area Senator Hillary Sigey was also in attendance.

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