The County Government of Bomet

The Greatest Good for The Greatest Number

County Govt, Posta Kenya sign pact to boost revenue collection

The revenue collection and other services in Bomet County are expected to be on the rise following the entry of the postal Corporation of Kenya, into the sector. The corporation has entered into an MOU with the County Government of Bomet in a bid to enhance efficiency, accountability and streamline operations across the various departments of the county administration.

The MOU that is expected to be operational as from next week, was signed by Governor Prof. Hillary Barchok on behalf of the County Government and the Post Master General John Tonui, for the Postal corporation.

Speaking during the function, the governor expressed his optimism that the corporation will fill the gaps that have been holding back the revenue department from achieving it’s targets in revenue collection, adding that he will fully support the corporation deliver on its new mandate.

On his part, the post master general assured the residents of Bomet that postal Kenya has the capacity to help the county government meet it’s revenue targets and even make payments on behalf of the county, without a hitch.

According to the governor, Bomet County currently collects Kshs 300M in revenue but has the potential of hitting Kshs 1B.

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