The County Government of Bomet

The Greatest Good for The Greatest Number

County Govt steps up Promotive and Preventice health

Officers from the Public health department of the County Government of Bomet have begun a comprehensive inspection of schools across the county as a measure of stepping up promotive and preventive health, as directed by Governor Prof. Hillary Barchok.

The inspection entails;

1. Inspection of the general infrastructure
2. Sanitation and hygiene
3. Food safety and nutrition
4. Health and medical services
5. Waste management
6. Boarding school dormitory fire safety inspection, and,
7. Any other additional considerations.

As of today, the teams had managed to inspect over 50 schools. This will be followed by a comprehensive report with a raft of recommendations that, if effected, will help avert loss of lives of school Children through Fire outbreaks, consumption of unhealthy food, collapse of buildings/toilets and delay in medication amongst others.

According to Governor Barchok, the officers will work hand in hand with other relevant stakeholders including the ministry of Education to ensure that learning institutions are safe at all times.

The inspection enters it’s second week on Monday, with more random schools and other institutions lined up for inspection. The same will involve spot checks of the food items being sold in various outlets across the county.

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