The County Government of Bomet

The Greatest Good for The Greatest Number

Farmers Receive Beehives to Boost Honey Production

18 farmers’ groups across the county have received 100 beehives and a centrifuge machine to boost honey production from the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Projects (KCSAP) under the Department of Agriculture.

Agriculture and Livestock Executive Dr. Kipchumba Toweett challenged farmers to diversify farming activities and urged them to join bee-keeping cooperative societies to get better value for their produce.

Dr. Toweett said that the Department of Agriculture has laid down innovative programs geared towards improving the livelihoods of the residents of Bomet as well as seeking a direct market for honey production.

Among the beneficiary, groups include Imara Daima, St Paul’s Mabwaita, Mogoma, and Monire Honest.

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