The County Government of Bomet

The Greatest Good for The Greatest Number

Barchok Leads Staff in Thanksgiving Prayers

The entire staff of the county government of Bomet led by governor Prof. Hillary Barchok converged at the Bomet IAAF stadium for the first prayer-breakfast anniversary, earlier today. The prayers carried the theme, “Serving with the fear of the Lord”.

The prayers are a culmination of the monthly prayer meetings that have been happening every first Monday of the month from the 28th of August last year, at the governor’s auditorium.

The sermon was delivered by Bishop William Tuimising, and it it carried the theme, “serving with the fear of the Lord”.

Speaking during the service, Governor Prof. Hillary Barchok thanked God for residents of Bomet and it’s leadership adding that the far that Bomet has come as a county was the Lord’s doing.

“We are all here as servants of the people of Bomet, but more importantly, we serve God and whatever we do to the people, let’s do it as though we were doing it for God”, Governor Barchok said.

The governor further challenged the staff to work hard, be accountable and to serve the people of Bomet with diligence, giving his commitment that his administration will give them all the support and facilitation to discharge their duties.

He also took the opportunity to warn rogue businessmen slaughtering sick animals and selling uninspected meat to unsuspecting members of the public, calling on the relevant departments and agencies to crack down on the vice.

The governor thanked the clergy for organizing the function and taking their time to pray for the leadership and the people of Bomet County.

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