The County Government of Bomet

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Crop Farming

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Maize: A primary grain and important crop in Bomet County is maize. It is grown for both commercial and subsistence uses.
In order to ensure two harvests a year, the crop is usually planted during the long and short wet seasons. Hence adequately contributing to the county’s economy.

Sweet Potatoes: This is a drought tolerant food crop that is mainly grown in the lowlands of the county areas namely, Chepalungu, Bomet East, Sotik and parts of Bomet Central. Varieties such as Kabode, Vitaa, and Kemb36 are popular among farmers. Value addition initiatives such as the Lelaitich processing plants have helped the farmers to improve their livelihoods as it improves its nutritional value and market demand.

Irish Potatoes: Bomet County’s cool climate and rich soils make it an ideal place to grow Irish potatoes.
For many farmers in the area, this crop is a significant source of income and food.

Vegetables: Commonly produced vegetables include spinach, tomatoes, cabbages, and kale (sukuma wiki).
These crops generate cash through sales in nearby and regional marketplaces in addition to providing food for local consumption.

Fruits: Bomet County is the home of fruit growers, including bananas, avocados, and passion fruits.
Local consumption and market sales of these fruits support the livelihoods of the growers.