Agro-processing: Having an agriculture driven economy, Bomet County boasts a number of tea processing factories owned by both the KTDA and private companies. There also exists milk processing plants, and sweet potato processing plants such as the Lelaitich processing plant. These activities add value to raw agricultural produce and create jobs.
Tea Factories in Bomet
KTDA Factories
Kapkoros Tea Factory
Tirgaga Tea Factory
Motigo Tea Factory
Mogogosiek Tea Factory
Kobel Tea Factory
Rorok Tea Factory
Kapset Tea factory
Boito Tea Factory
Private Factories
GreenFields Tea Factory
Chebango Tea Factory EPZ
Ndarawetta Tea Factory
Kisyet Tea Factory
TeaRich Company Limited
Siomo Tea Factory EPZ
TET Tea Factory
Chemalal Tea Factory
Dairy Plants
Small scale industries: Small-scale businesses that support the community’s economy include metalwork, furniture manufacturing, and bakeries.